Broken Computers and Missing Passports

In Photo, Text @en by kuvastinLeave a Comment

Foretaste of the Jewellery We already have a small bag of showpiece jewellery from Nepal. (as you can see) . Before we leave, we”ll send pictures of these jewels for fashion bloggers to marvel. In case the bloggers like them, we hope to get more possible buyers from the readers of these blogs for the soon-to-be-opened jewellery shop. You”ll find …

Trying to start up a start up

In Text @en by kuvastinLeave a Comment

The jewelry that the guys are going to get from Nepal will be sold in an online store, and I’m responsible for running the store. This is the first business I’ve ever run, and for the past month I’ve been exploring options for getting startup money for it. I knew from the beginning that the schedule for opening the store …

Mitä on ehtinyt tapahtua

In Teksti, Valokuva by kuvastin1 Comment

Eilen lupasin, että tänään kerron, mitä kaikkea on ehtinyt tapahtua. Noin kuukauden suunnittelua on hankala tiivistää yhteen postaukseen, mutta yritän joitain käännekohtia nostaa. Aloitetaan ideasta. Noin vuosi sitten Juho Leppänen sai unelman ajaa autolla Nepaliin, josta ostettaisiin iso kasa koruja. Tarkoitus olisi ajaa ne takaisin Suomeen, myydä korut ja lahjoittaa tuotto Nepalin köyhimmille. Ja nyt me aiomme toteuttaa tämän unelman! …

What has happened so far?

In Photo, Text @en by kuvastinLeave a Comment

Yesterday I promised that I’ll tell you today about all the things that have happened so far. It’s difficult to put the month long planning into one blog post but I’ll give you some high lights. Let’s begin with the idea. About a year ago Juho Leppänen started dreaming of driving to Nepal, to buy a big pile of jewelry. …

The dream begins

In Text @en by kuvastinLeave a Comment

Phew, finally! The blog is almost ready and we can start writing updates about the progress of all the preparations. There’s things to change and add still but the main thing is that postings are now live. Our graphic designer/ programmer Lassi and I have been working on the blog the whole day so now it’s time to get some …