Hitting a Little Too Close to Home?

In #day, Photo, Text @en by kuvastin

We’d planned to write about the return trip in chronological order, but now we have to make an exception, since our situation is so critical right now. Misa and I were in a car accident in India yesterday. We started off early in the morning from Udaipur to get out of the city’s narrow lanes before traffic woke up. We …

Kathmandu – Full of Surprises, part 2 – Ncell & Media Circus!

In Photo, Text @en by kuvastin

More Surprises Since the week had already been quite eventful I hadn’t bargained for more surprises. Nevertheless, there was more in store for us. Ncell is Nepal’s biggest telecommunication operator, whose subscriber base is equivalent to that of the four biggest operators in Finland combined. Ncell had taken notice of our trip and its goals and therefore wanted to take …