Day 15 Pakistan – Passu – Ferry | Thrill, Fear and Cold Sweat

In #day, Photo, Text @en by kuvastin

Leaving Passu As if by miracle, I felt much better in the morning. I took the first driving shift and we started soaring towards the ferries. We came to a cove with small passenger ships – small wooden boats which seemed like they’d been bloated with steroids. Apparently the boats had been brought there by lorries after the 2010 earthquake …

Days 9 & 10 – Astana – Bishek | Through Kazakhstan

In #day, Photo, Text @en by kuvastin

Astana We woke up to a morning in Astana, aiming to be at the Finnish Embassy by 9 am. From there we collected our double passports, which would help us continue to Kyrgyzstan and China. It was a beautiful and sunny morning (as it usually is in Astana), and the view over the city from the embassy on the 17th …

A treasure in Himalaya

In Photo, Text @en by kuvastin

The same time the boys left towards Himalaya, we left it behind. Behind us was three weeks of work in Kathmandu. Our job was to order and documentate all 5000 jewels that were oncoming to Finland. It was a big job in three weeks, but fortunately our associates are wonderful, hard working people, that we are happy to work with. …

Day 8 – Kazakhstan #1 – Troitsk – Astana | Crossing the Border, Getting Lost and Wide Expanse as Far as the Eye Can See

In #day, Photo, Text @en by kuvastin

Day 8 – Kazakhstan #1 – Troitsk – Astana   On the Boarder We laid still on the car bunk with our lights out and had troubles getting sleep. The excitement of being on the first foreign border checkpoint was overwhelming already in itself, but now we also had to stay there for the night. We’d assumed that the checkpoint …